Friday, June 12, 2009

Food, Inc. (movie)

"Food, Inc." opens today exploring agriculture, permaculture, and what Monsanto and agribusiness has done to the American food supply. A film by Robert Kenner. Opens nationwide June 12, 2009. See extended clips: Food, Inc.

The new food movement away from "factory farming" practices, which led to Mad Cow epidemics, is gaining popular appeal. Malnutrition (not calorie starvation) is the number one cause of illness in the world. The U.S. and Western countries suffer greatly because of ignorance: We are the fattest but also some of the most nutrient-deprived populations. However, our detrimental habits are being quickly exported to the rest of the world.

On one occasion Buddhist monks practicing in the forest had enough to eat. But they could not gain enlightenment. The Buddha advised a woman who provided for them to ensure that they received the "eight flavors" (astringent, sweet, sour, savory...) recommended by the ancient Indian view of a balanced diet. On account of receiving nutritious elements found in a diverse diet, the monks were able to attain when they otherwise would not have been able to. Such is the power of food. And it may suggest why the world is drifting in the opposite direction as corporations take over farming, food processing, and dietary standards.