Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Burma's deadly nuclear course

PETITION: Time for U.S. and U.K. to take Action
Burma's regime continues to commit crimes against humanity in Burma. The United States and United Kingdom have an unparalleled opportunity to take action: They will serve as consecutive presidents of the UN Security Council in August and September, 2009.

Burma's secretive military junta, dictators who stole power and imprisoned the duly elected pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

(The Australian) Burma is a big problem. And it's getting worse. Last weekend, Fairfax papers reported testimony from two Burmese defectors. They suggested Rangoon had progressed towards building clandestine nuclear facilities with North Korean assistance.

Burma is a rogue state. Rogue states, like failed states (such as Somalia), are beyond international norms and almost by definition do not care about international opinion, with the exception generally of their one or two sponsors.

Burma is a particularly difficult case. If ever there were an example of the need for some new thinking, it's Burma. Just establishing the facts is extremely challenging. The defector testimony said Burma was constructing tunnels in which it had also begun constructing nuclear reactors, with North Korean help. More>>