Friday, March 11, 2011

Tsunami hits California (video)

At 8,000 times stronger than the recent New Zealand quake, Japan has been wiped off the economic screen. The 23 to 30 foot tsunami -- which came back on Japan after it was rocked by the largest recorded quake in history this morning (yesterday to them), a nuclear plant overheating, and uncontrolled fires spreading -- has now tapped California and slightly scratched a few boats in Santa Cruz, caused one photographer to be washed out, with boats capsizing and docks being damaged by in and out surges. The slight tidal adjustment has started to clear out the recent (poison test) massive fish kill in Redondo Beach (Los Angeles). The entire Pacific ring has been hit by the 500-700 miles per hour movement of water, which has dies down and surges. Crescent City Harbor, in Northern California, has already experienced millions of dollars worth of damage. "Tsunami" is interesting. It is a Japanese word that means "harbor wave." It does not depend on the strength of the quake so much as the topography of the sea floor that amplifies its effect in some locations causing devestation.

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