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Monday, October 31, 2011
7 Billionth Person Born
Text by Runnin Scared (, Wisdom Quarterly
A century ago, there were only 2,000,000,000 people. Welcome to the human plane, 7 billionth! You are among more than 7 trillion "Earthlings" like ants, fish, bugs, and unseen beings.
The UN Population Division estimates the world's 7 billionth person will be born tomorrow. How do they know this? The UN says the number is "derived from the annual series of world population estimates obtained by interpolating the results of the 2010 Revision of World Population Prospects by assuming exponential growth within each year."
Standing shoulder to shoulder, 7 billion of us would only fill Los Angeles.
Translation: Tracking chips implanted in all our brains by shampooists working hand-in-hand with the Illuminati. Due to birth rates, the 7 billionth person will most likely be born in India or China. Who cares about them? Where do you fit into to this number? The BBC has a program that calculates what number person you were on Earth when you were born. More
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