By attacking Democrats, Trump unites opposition
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (July 15, 2019) The president's obviously racist tweets are obviously racist. He pits The Squad, the strong women of color like AOC now in Congress, against his team, The Klan. If what he tweeted strikes you as "a little racist" then you don't understand the meaning of the word little. Watch weeknights at 11:35 PM ET/10:35 PM CT on CBS. More
(Full Frontal) Samantha Bee examines our racist's racism
(VICE) It's easy to see Trump's rhetorical devices and speaking tricks.
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is CBS's premier late night talk show. Every night, viewers can expect: comedy, humor, funny moments, witty interviews, celebrities, famous people, movie stars, bits, humorous celebrities doing bits, funny celebs, big group photos of every star from Hollywood, even the reclusive ones, plus also jokes.
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