Saturday, July 27, 2019

Eggs communicate from inside shell (video)

Daily Mail Science Correspondent Colin Fernandez (The Daily Mail, July 22, 2019);;; Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Bird eggs vibrate to communicate with each other to warn of imminent attack to their nest, scientific study finds.
Rather than sitting blissfully unaware of the world outside, gull eggs -- or rather the living embryos inside of them -- have a "sophisticated" awareness of what goes on around them, the study found.

The research found that yellow-legged gull eggs, which are found around the UK's coastline, can pick up on warning squawks from adult birds.

The eggs -- having heard [or otherwise sensed] the warning -- will then delay hatching because the coast is not clear [insofar as potential danger exists]. More

COMMENTARY: When does life begin?

Life in the womb (Genetic Literacy Project)
The same happens to us. Human embryos in our mother's womb are aware of the world for nine months before we are officially "born." But life actually begins at conception. So in Buddhist Asia, people are born 1-year-old because of the ten lunar months they spent swimming in the womb on earth are counted as being here and being far more aware than we ever thought. This is unlike the Judeo-Christian West where our age is counted from our birth date. So we in the West are "younger," but we don't look it when we see race groups side-by-side in the same society. "Asian don't raisin" and "black don't crack," it is said. Caucasian skin needs all the antioxidant help it can get, even if that is the self-deceptive youthful number we label ourselves with. But egg science shows the baby inside is alive. This has karmic implications for egg eating and abortions. Think what are doing before you act. Life is precious, and not just our lives but the lives of living beings who make it to the womb.

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