Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Why is meditation popular?

British Meditation; edited by Seth Auberon, Dhr. Seven, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

The great Ajahn Chah has answers.
Meditation is not new. It’s ancient. Recluses and monastics practice it in many traditions. But in modern times something strange has happened.

It's caught on with ordinary householders. It's been exploding in popularity since the 1960s, when self-liberation became a buzz word, lifting restraints on working people.

This new attitude has coincided with our entry into the Aquarian Age, according to some astrologers and self-proclaimed mystics. The sudden popularity of meditation has brought up some doubts as to its benefits and effectiveness, mostly by health professionals and religious knobs.

When scientific research got under way, positive results ensued. Many studies on meditation and mindfulness practices can now be found proving their effectiveness. Meditation is now recommended by doctors and calm-and-insight practices are in demand at schools and work places.

People in the West come to meditation generally for one or more of the following for four reasons:
  1. searching for spiritual fulfillment
  2. de-stressing and deeply relaxing
  3. finding a better way of life than materialism
  4. choosing an alternative therapy after a setback. More

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