Monday, June 7, 2021

Beauty, beauty, give me BEAUTY! (video)

Mad Lab; Ashley Wells, Crystal Quintero, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
We set the standard, Bunnies. - Well, you do right Hugh? - Yeah, but with your photographs.

15 people trying for rare and unique beauty from around the world
(Mad Lab, 10/17/20) Admit it. We’ve all used filters to look more attractive. Haven’t we? It’s okay. We all want lots of likes. But these people are doing everything they can to look like...aliens! One gal has an amazing superpower, the ability to sunbathe without a swimsuit! Want to know how? Let’s look at 15 people with the rarest beauty in the world!

The fancy ladies of Dia de los Muertos (Alcazar)
(WQ) What is "beautiful"? It changes. If aliens land (or invading humans come to colonize a new land acquisition), looking more like them becomes the standard. This happened in the Americas, Egypt, and parts of Asia.

I wasn't trying to be European, just to fit in.
"Let's be more powerful," locals think, "by looking like the ones in power." So our minds get colonized with ideal conceptions of beauty that are not our own. It happened in an extreme way in wonder-filled Mexico right next door. Los Angeles is like ancient Tenochtitlan (Mexico City), another megalopolis on the way north.

Red, White, Latina? (
Europeans abused and subordinated the Indigenous, leaving Natives trying to assimilate with the new reality. This is apparent on The Day of the Dead, when white face paint is used to mock the blended (Mestizos) who walk around trying to be all European. They look like walking skeletons in fancy dress with bright skull-like face, like the Dead, but the ritual is a mockery of this assimilation tactic.

What? I'm hot and stock!
To be free we must first decolonize the mind. But commercial TV fills our head with all sorts of other standards to live up to. We want beauty/power, they want money. They sell us images. We buy to be popular and to feel good about ourselves from the outside in, which is not the way it usually works.

Look at this video via Mad Lab about the extremes people will go to to get at that feeling of inner satisfaction.

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