Thursday, June 10, 2021

Make the mind pure: Dhamma with Ajahn Lee

Ajahn Lee via Ven. Sujato, Ellie Askew, Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Polish the heart; cleanse the mind.
The Dhamma (Sanskrit Dharma) is something that cleanses the mind (heart) so that it's bright, clean, and happy.

People differ in their temperaments: Some are crude, others intermediate, and others refined.

This is why the Buddha elaborated on the Teaching (Dhamma) in various ways in line with the character of his hearers. In other words, he took short things and explained them until they were long.

For example, sometimes he'd explain the rewards of generosity/letting go (dana), sometimes the rewards of virtue, and sometimes the rewards of polishing the heart -- what's called meditation.

But his real aim was to teach people to make their minds/hearts pure. Everything else was just elaboration.

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