Tuesday, August 3, 2021

I saw Jesus and "Buddha" during NDE (video)

She saw Jesus and a "Buddha" during a near-death experience
(Jeff Mara Podcast, 7/30/21) Blond bodhisattva, kooky airhead, kind num-num, Drew Barrymore impersonator? Guest #237 Ellen Whealton is sure she had a near-death experience (NDE) at the age of 12 after being kicked in the head by a horse.

Can brain damage be a money-making blessing?
During it she experienced some tremendously impactful lessons and was drawn back to her body by music. This spiritual event gave Whealton firsthand knowledge of the immense web of love and support available to us at all times.

Mandala detail of various "Buddhas" with Vairochana (Esoteric Buddhism)

COMMENTARY: "Everything happens for a reason"? Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, was not founded by the Dalai Lama but by sex guru Chogyam "Crazy Wisdom" Trungpa Rinpoche. The CIA did have a deal with the Dalai Lama to train covert Tibetan militants in Colorado, however. To be fair, Tibetan/Vajrayana Buddhism, like the Hinduism that influenced it, has many gods, goddesses, and buddhas. Maybe she saw one of those.

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