Monday, June 13, 2022

Maybe we should be Mormon (cartoon) (excerpt from The Secret World of Mormonism); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

The Book of Mormon (musical)
The South Park guys made a musical or play called The Book of Mormon. It was famous. Why anyone would single out poor Mormons for commentary, who knows? Oh, this is why. Wow. There was a disaffected ex-member so put off by the superstitions and rituals that he resorted to making special Mormon porn. That's some comment on the religion. Pregnant Catholic nun costumes for Halloween seemed in poor taste, if nevertheless sexy, but Mormon porn is like Catholic priest costumes that come with rentable altar boys in uniform for the night. Is it any wonder this cartoon was banned? It's like South Park's characterization of Scientology's actual sci-fi beliefs about its origins and the origins of our world and its apelike inhabitants. Even John Travolta (Battlefield Earth) can't save a movie about that.

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