Monday, October 3, 2022

Hidden Holy Place in Buddhist mythology

Eds., Wisdom Quarterly; Chinese Buddhist Encyclopedia (

Shambhala has a sort of downward extension. It is a subterranean region known as Agharti or Agarttha, the “inaccessible.” This place, it seems, has a large population and spreads a long way underground.

The leader of Shambhala rules over Aghartha also. Lamas who spoke of him to travelers early in the 20th century described him as the "King of the World"... More
Bridget? No, Maria O.
Bridget Nielsen of Sedona talks about the civilizations that inhabit Middle Earth, which supports the hollow earth theory. In spiritual circles this is commonly known as the networks of Agartha, which are comprised of many underground crystal cities such as Telos inside Mt. Shasta.

The most compelling story was shared on Cosmic Disclosure hosted by David Wilcock (formerly Edgar Cayce in a past life).

Corey Goode shared his experience of meeting with these beings during his Inner Earth experience: Source

(TUM) Explanation of Hollow Earth follows U.S.Admiral Byrd's interview.

Admiral Byrd revealed his experiences in a posthumously published diary

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