Friday, October 6, 2023

What has Bernie Sanders become? Evil?

Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
It's hack to say, but if one reads 1984, there's a Bernie character named Goldstein. That leader of the underground is two people, the one presented to would-be revolutionaries and the one revealed to actual revolutionaries. How did George Orwell know?
I'm once again asking you to support war in Ukraine, the oligarchy, and one-party system.

Jimmy Dore to moderate presidential debate

Pick up my book in discount bin
The unthinkable has happened. Jimmy Dore has been asked to moderate a presidential debate. (What planet are we on?) Oh, yeah, the sort of planet where Bernie "Follow Me To Hillary" Sanders sells out again, supporting Joe Biden, the DNC even though he's an Independent), the CIA and its Pentagon sponsoring our proxy-war against Russia in Ukraine, and now having peace activists arrested for holding up signs of his own quote near his office. CODE PINK won't stand for it, Jimmy Dore won't stay silent, and neither will Wisdom Quarterly. Feel the Burn Bernie has, it seems, always been a fraud. He said very nice things, but he is now and has for decades been a career politician. Soon he'll be calling for war in Palestine to back Netanyahu the way he supports Zelensky. Is there any war the Democratic Party, including The Squad, won't get behind? Republicans are just as bad, except that Frankenstein Trump didn't start any new wars or conflicts. If he had the power, he would have let other existing "kinetic actions" lapse. In the meantime, Sen. Sanders wants more going along to get along, more status quo, more anti-revolution. Where has he been on all his old campaign promises and preachy speeches? Like a good boy, he's piped down and enjoy his property, selling us out in the process.

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