Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Jewish captive Mia "Lips" Schem is free

Jake Tapper's CIA/mainstream media propaganda Mia Schem selected clips on 55 days in Gaza (MSN); Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Is Mia Schem a veteran of Israel's militant IDF?
Epileptic beauty Mia Schem, the one in the pictures with inflated duck lips, has been quoted as saying there are no innocent civilians in Gaza, inviting the IDF to kill them all. Is she a propaganda tool for Israel or an angry snob whose all-night party was interrupted by angry concentration camp prisoners breaking out of their open-air prison to retaliate for years of oppression and abuse by Israel.

As Schem was held in a Gaza apartment, Israeli terrorists known as the IDF were bombing to kill Jews (in accordance with its stated "Hannibal Doctrine") and innocent Gaza civilians (which, according to Schem, do not exist) all around her, as this Getty Images photo shows.

I've become the poster child for Jewish hostages
She has now gained the celebrity/notoriety she always dreamed of, though she may regret that wish. She feared she might be raped, but no one raped her. Except she "knows" she would have been raped but for the home she was staying in having a family and wife present protecting her. Of course, the footage shown by Jake Tapper and his mainstream media propaganda outlet (controlled by the CIA) is extremely edited and brief, milking all the most bitter and threatening moments.
I'm French and super sexy, but that's no reason for anyone to want to have sex with me.
You see what we put up with from Gazans.
"I only had one pita bread a day," she complains, as the family giving her that bread was being starved by Israeli policy to deprive all of Gaza of enough food, clean water, and basic human rights other occupied peoples enjoy. Indeed, Gaza is not the world's largest "open air prison" because in prison prisoners are taken care of. Gaza is a "concentration camp" where detainees are imprisoned and abused and deprived of the basics until they die.

IDF soldiers rape then accuse Hamas of it.
Israel treats Gaza as a genocidal death camp, which fortunately is being revealed in the Hague as the country of South Africa bravely brings forth charges of literal genocide against Israel, the IDF, and PM Netanyahu. Netanyahu was trying to make Israel a police state rather than just an apartheid state, but Israel's high court just squashed his plans to overhaul the judiciary to keep himself out of prison for corruption and extend his war as cover for more abuses of Palestinians. Mia Schem details her 55 days held hostage in Gaza

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