Thursday, September 2, 2021

Int'l Space Station faces failure, Russia warns; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

At least 80 percent of in-flight systems on the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) had passed their expiration date, Vladimir Solovyov told state media.

China has its own Heavenly Palace up there.
He also said small cracks had been discovered that could worsen over time.

Russia has often raised concerns over hardware and has suggested it could leave the ISS after 2025.

The station was built in 1998 as part of a joint project between Russia, USA, Canada, Japan, and several European countries and was originally designed for a 15-year lifespan.

Mr. Solovyov, the chief engineer at the space company Energia, which is the leading developer of Russia's section of the ISS, said: "Literally a day after the [in-flight] systems are fully exhausted, irreparable failures may begin."

He warned last year that much of the equipment on the station was starting to age and would soon need to be replaced.

The former cosmonaut also announced that "superficial" cracks had been discovered on Russia's Zarya cargo module. Launched in 1998, it is one of the oldest modules of the ISS and is now primarily used for storage.

"This is bad and suggests that the fissures will begin to spread over time," Mr. Solovyov told the RIA news agency.

In April, Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov told state TV that aging metal on the station could "lead to irreversible consequences -- to catastrophe. We mustn't let that happen." More

Artist's rendition of Centaur shuttle
According to Eric Dubay (, this is all fake. We are not in space.

[We may be in low orbit sky about 20 miles up judging from the view and the curvature that gets added, though sometimes NASA TV forgets to spin the Earth on its live feed or shows bubbles in space from the pool and green screen system used to deceive us all. Everyone must notice we don't even pretend to have a Space Shuttle anymore, as we can send things up with reverse-engineered antigravity technology.]

Can't wait to balloon up to the stratosphere
There is a secret space program the USA operates, managed by the Navy, as do other nations. This is separate from the new Space Force. Yet this ISS, billionaires' rockets, and space walks are the circus NASA would have us believe.

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