Sunday, September 3, 2023

Girl porn: I'm addicted to ROMANCE (video)

Dhar Mann Studios; Ananda (Dharma B Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Swell gal jealous of romance on social media
How could you not love him?
(Dhar Mann Studios) Sept. 3, 2023: 💥 This is a Dhar Mann bonus for Instagram addicts and lovers of "girl porn," which is, of course, another name for melodramatic "romance," soap opera style schtick. You know how guys have their "guy porn," which is, of course, another name for "wrestling," both of which are fake AF. Either way, it's a happy ending. "Chick yourself before you rick yourself." Oh, and remember to subscribe to channel (@dharmannstudios). Stories by Dhar Mann writers, not Dhar Mann.

What does Wisdom Quarterly have against romance?
Unless we destroy this mad brute MARA (Cupid, Tempter, Devil, Kama, Eros), we're doomed!

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