Saturday, August 3, 2024

Rape as Western tool of war: Israeli gays

Women as spoils of war at the end of World War II | DW Documentary
Let's rape some boys today, Joe. - Right on
(DW Documentary) DW is a German public broadcast service. May 8, 2024: In early 1945, at least 860,000 girls and women in Germany were raped and sexually abused by Allied [American troops and other "good guys" dressed as] soldiers.

The victims, and the children they bore after being raped, suffer trauma to this day. Many remained silent throughout their lives and took their stories to their graves.

The German Army conquered through mainland Europe for six years until early 1945, when World War II was brought to an end on the continent and Hitler's Nazi regime was defeated.
  • Gay is OK. We signed up to kill and rape Arabs.
    Jewish Israeli rapists working in the Israeli Army gang raped a Palestinian man, rupturing his bowels and traumatizing him. By some miracle, the Israeli military police detained these homosexual soldier rapists for questioning. Jewish right-wing mobs, members of Parliament (the Israeli Knesset), and ordinary Israeli then decided to break the homosexual soldiers and rapists out of detention and free them to do it some more. After all, they were only raping a Palestinian. It's not as if they were going after Jewish boys yet; that could wait until they got back home from mandatory military service. The right-wing Jewish mobs did not mind that their homosexual behavior was against biblical mandates from their gay-hating and genocidal God. The important thing was that they were using their homosexual impulses to harm the enemy, the neighboring Arabs. unlawfully detained without charge Palestinian Muslims, who they might not consider human, in which case their gay sex acts would be bestiality, or human but gang raped to distribute the responsibility more equitably among the Jewish and therefore "morally superior" uniformed war criminals. They can say we are "the most moral army in the world" because we only rape prisoners to torture them, which is a war crime, but we do it to satisfy our homosexual urges, which is against the Bible, but Netanyahu is okay with it, so it's fine. Or perhaps they can point and say the Nazis raped them, so it's only fair they get to rape, too.
  • VIDEO: Israel riots to save its Jewish gay gang rapists from getting in trouble for rape
But there’s a chapter in this story that’s been largely forgotten to this day: Hundreds of thousands of children (girls) and women in Germany were sexually abused by Allied soldiers, the so-called "liberators."

Who are we killing today, GI Joe? - Whoever.
Many remained silent out of shame and fear, particularly when the perpetrators were members of Western armies. This documentary hears the stories of some of these victims, talks to their children and grandchildren, as well as hearing from historians who reveal how the trauma has affected them throughout their lives.

This documentary also shows how important it is to confront the taboo head on: After all, sexual violence against females (as well as sodomized males) is still very much part of modern warfare, particularly by American forces stationed around the world at hundreds of unwanted bases from which rapists operate with impunity through legal means of avoiding prosecution for felonies committed in uniform abroad.
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  • Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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