Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Jesus' Gospel of Reality as Simulation

Jesus reveals that Reality is a Simulation in 2,000-year-old gospel

(MorgueOfficial)  Premiered March 1, 2025: Ever wonder if EVERYTHING we see could be an illusion (maya) -- a hologram, a simulation, a cosmic deepfake? Jesus figured it out 2,000 years ago. What’s even wilder is that modern physics is proving it now. Who's Gurdjieff?
BBC: Jesus Was a Buddhist Monk

The Buddhist connection
Meditating in India is mind blowing. Try it.
Why would there be a connection between Christianity and Buddhism, which is five or more centuries older? Jesus spent time as a Buddhist monk, which helped him realize his divinity (deva, "light being," nature or potential), all of our divinities. To ever say one is "GOD" will get one unalived for ridiculed in society, but that is what the Christ, the Kristos, the Annointed One (smeared with entheogens, according to Dr. Hillman).

Whether Jesus said so or not, whether this Gnostic gospel is literally one historical figure's words, whether or not the figure into whose mouth these words are being put by the Gnostic Christians, Buddhism speaks this same way its "Higher Doctrine" (the Abhidhamma or the "Dharma/Doctrine in Ultimate Terms").
The Buddha was massively influential.
In conventional terms, "reality" (self/atta and the world/loka) is name-and-form (nama-rupa), body and mind, or composed of physical (corporeal) and mental (mind) components. But in ultimate terms, it is impersonal (anatta) materiality and mentality composed of kalapas (particles) and cittas/cetasikas (mind-moments and mental-concomitants).

This is all found alluded to in The Heart Sutra, the culmination of the Prajna Paramita or "Perfection of Wisdom" literature, reaching Sophia. The core of that text are explained very well in the Theravada school's "Five Aggregates clung to as self" teachings.

What are we? What is anything? The "self" or "essence" (figuratively, the "heart") of any thing is eightfold. But this eight is compacted into five. What are the Five Heaps or Groups of things?
  1. form (this is fourfold, the Four Great Elements or maha-dhatus);
  2. feelings
  3. perceptions
  4. mental formations
  5. consciousness(es).
  • Why are they all plural? Isn't "consciousness" a thing? They are heaps, groups, piles, collections, aggregates. There isn't one but countless of them. Consciousness (vinnana) is not a solid "thing" but a fluid process, a stream of cittas and cetasikas, a stream of consciousness.
See the division? The first four are listed as just "form" (rupa or kaya, materiality or body). The second four are spelled out a little more. But the Buddha kept it brief because No. 4 is actually 50 different things, usually translated as "impulses" or "intentions" (cetanas), the way all the members of a village might be called by the village leader's name; that leader is not the only person in the village. Moreover, No. 5 is not one thing, cittas (mind-moments), but also includes cetasikas (mental concomitants). Feelings are not of one kind, but they are just called "feelings" (vedana). Perceptions, too, are not singular but of different kinds. All of these are explained in the texts and teaching, as these are only rough English translations of a very deep psychological terms. The purpose is not academic but extremely practical. Their purpose is liberation by wisdom. One must first purify (cleanse) the mind and intensify it so that insight meditation practices (satipatthanas) can have their intended effect: liberating insight, transcendental wisdom.

Vegetarian Essenes, the Nazarenes

Jesus passed through the Buddha's Kapilavastu
Did Jesus have any capacity to explain this? To whom could he have taught it, simple fishermen back home? Whatever he learned and realized in the Himalayas, at Hemis Gompa (a Tibetan lamasery visited by Russian Christian Nicolas Notovitch, who told the world all about the documented evidence he found there thanks to the abbot who recognized that Buddhism and Christianity at a very deep level were teaching the same thing.

We can make many distinctions, but Gnosticism accords very well, and Vedic/Brahminical Hinduism is not far off, as may also be said of Jainism. Sadly, it does not seem members of these other traditions realize the deep similarities. We might about the superficial, and we fail to grasp the deep truths. It would be possible to find correspondences between all the traditions. So many of the things that make no sense in Catholicism/Christianity, Islam, and Judaism (the Abrahamic religions) certainly do make sense in Hinduism and Buddhism and Jainism (the Dharmic religions).

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  • MorgueOfficial, March 1, 2025; BBC; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Hitler, Trump, Peace Prize, Beav & Butt

You and the Dems want War. I want Putin Peace.
Trump gave a good speech, probably the best of his life. Nobel Peace Prize? Why not? War criminal Obama got a preemptive one then lined up war after war for his overseers. Is he a moronic idiot? Maybe. But that seems to work in his favor. He can keep doing his NLP tricks and no one seems to notice or mind, thinking he's just being dumb. All of his arguments are tautologies, not arguments at all, slogans with self-closing loops. Hitler did that.

Reduce anxiety by not worrying. Here's how. - Jimmy Dore keeps it brief: Liar Trump truths it

Trump's audience, which doesn't have the bandwidth to pay that much attention, loves it. It's simple. It's to the point then repeats the point. It doesn't get bogged down with facts or logical thought processes. It's about assumptions and gut feelings, implicit biases and racist/sexist tendencies. Republicans have been said to prefer this over the mealy-mouthed mishmash of Democrats. Only Billy Clinton and B.S. Obama could speak well. And not since Ronnie Reagan has anyone connected with business interests, right wingers, movers and shakers, and the military. (This is not Trump's brainchild; he had a script written for him called Project 2025).

I got money and power. What's next, Mars?
By aligning with multi-billionaire lonE ksuM (Lone Kissum-up?) and his gang of youths with computer skills and prying eyes looking at everyone's private data, he gets to take credit for change, innovation, and disruption of the Swamp. He's been lying about draining it for a long time. Now he's doing something, something insiders have been wanting to do for a long time. Trump is the face of it but not the brains, just like Reagan. And what does the nominal opposition (Left in name only) have? Old man Bernie Sanders who can't afford denture paste. *Exhale* It's pathetic. The party of Pelosi and the Squad's AOC, Waters and Kucinich... Where is Kucinich? Get an elderly caveman with a cane to heckle him at the onset of two hours of coherence, that only seems to have helped Trump. Democrats looking down at their phones in boredom through the address, that was funny. Boo for the Bad Man. Yay for the sign holders? Jimmy Dore, what is your analysis?
  • Sarah Silverman in the role of Hitler (Conan O'Brien Show); Common Sense News (Beavis & Butthead); Jimmy Dore (TJDS); Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Did Jesus study Buddhism in India?

The Buddha meets the Christ in embrace

Did Jesus study Buddhism in India? The untold story of his missing years
(Buddha's Wisdom) Did Jesus the Nazarene spend his "lost or unknown years" studying Buddhism in Buddhist Tibet and India at a Himalayan monastery known as Hemis Gompa in Ladakh? Unknown years of Jesus
  • 00:00 - Intro
  • 02:27 - Chapter 1: The Missing Years of Jesus
  • 04:22 - Chapter 2: The Buddhist Connection Theory
  • 05:54 - Chapter 3: The Legend of Saint Issa
  • 09:14 - Chapter 4: Matt's Journey
  • 09:47 - Chapter 5: The Kashmir Connection
  • 11:29 - Chapter 6: From Scrolls to Screens
  • 15:45 - Chapter 7: Teachings Across Borders
  • 18:39 - Chapter 8: The Skeptic's Corner
  • 20:32 - Conclusion
It sounds crazy, but what if there is more to this story than meets the ear? ๐Ÿค” Let's take dive and explore:
  • The 18-year gap in Jesus' life that has puzzled scholars for centuries
  • Ancient texts that hint at Jesus' journey to the mystic East
  • The striking similarities between Jesus' teachings and Buddhist philosophy
  • The controversial theory of Jesus surviving crucifixion and retiring to Kashmir
What do modern skeptics and scholars say about this mind-bending idea? It challenges everything we thought we knew about one of history's most influential figures. ๐Ÿ” Uncover the hidden connections between East and West. ๐Ÿง˜‍♂️ Explore the possibility that Jesus was a yogi. ๐ŸŒ Travel the ancient Silk Road in search of truth.

Interested in going deeper than a short video? Check out the fascinating books mentioned:
WARNING: This video may expand mind. ๐Ÿคฏ Support channel for more: #JesusInIndia #LostYearsOfJesus #SpiritualMysteries #HistoricalSecrets #BuddhistJesus
  • Buddha's Wisdom, June 26, 2024; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

A real Anti-Zionist Oscars speech

The REAL Anti-Zionist Oscars speech (Vanessa Redgrave) the world needs to see
Lynn R. and Rita T. in Smashing Time
(Katie Halper) March 5, 2025: In 1978, Vanessa Redgrave made the first speech at the Oscars in support of the Palestinian people. Katie Halper discusses this and more with Wallace Shawn, star of My Dinner with Andre and The Princess Bride.
  • 00:00:00 Wallace Shawn's trip to Nicaragua
  • 00:03:02 How this trip inspired The Fever starring Vanessa Redgrave
  • 00:04:37 Vanessa Redgrave's epic 1978 Oscars speech calling out "Zionist hoodlums"
  • 00:07:25 Additional context around the JDL and Redgrave's speech
Sign up on Patreon to watch Halper's full interview with Wallace Shawn: wallace-shawn-121218101 #oscars #Palestine #hollywood

Support The Katie Halper Show for bonus content, exclusive interviews, and to support independent media. To help make this program possible, please join on Patreon: thekatiehalpershow. Get Katie Halper Show merch here: Follow Katie on Twitter: @kthalps

Woolly Mammoth MOUSE created

These mice might be the key to reviving woolly mammoths

This squeaker might be called Frankenmouse
A regular mouse sits near a genetically modified woolly mouse. The latter has been genetically modified to have the longer, golden hair, and fat stores of a woolly mammoth.

Who is responsible for this DNA monstrosity? Colossal Biosciences ( We've all heard of the woolly mammoth. But how many have heard of the new woolly mouse?

This chimera was genetically modified by the Dallas-based biotech company Colossal to have the same "woolly" fur and fat appearance as the ancient elephants known as mammoths. Why would a corporation create a genetic chimera?

The mouse, Colossal says, is a key step in the longer venture to de-extinct the original woolly mammoth. NPR's Rob Stein takes us to the Frankensteinian lab where it all happened. (Will it come with a GMO label if scientists decide to eat them?) More: Short Wave: NPR
  • VIDEO: Russians find woolly mammoth carcass with liquid blood (Associated Press) May 30, 2013: Russian researchers say they have discovered a perfectly preserved woolly mammoth carcass with liquid blood on a remote Arctic island, fueling hopes of cloning the Ice Age animal. Hopes of making it de-extinct are nothing new. [Blend this un-freezable blood with a DNA contribution from a well-mannered modern Asian elephant and shazam.]
  • AP, May 30, 2013; TIME News; The Project; NPR; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Two new eagles have landed: Big Bear

Morning zoo's Ally Johnson and Kevin Klein feed each other for attention (
We're just a national symbol, relax
Jackie and Shadow
 are the second and third most famous eagles in the country, only behind the nation's Nazi-like insignia. See Uncle Baldy on the top of flagstaffs and elsewhere. But for the parents of cute chicks, see the Friends of Big Bear Valley cam above the lake: Big Bear Bald Eagle Nest 2025 | Friends of Big Bear Valley. We have other charismatic megafauna, like bears for example. | Big Bear Grizzly. Those interested may also like to see a long train ride in Norway (live), where it is currently snowing.

  • Xochitl, Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Meditate w/ Bhikkhu Bodhi, Zoom (3/5)

Virtual meditation over Zoom (BAUS)
Dharma Students, join us tonight at 4:00 pm (LA time, 7:00 pm NY time) for a guided meditation session over Zoom with the great Bhikkhu Bodhi.

Recorded instructions by Bhante (Venerable) each Wednesday evening as Bhikkhu Bodhi leads a meditation session on Zoom.

American scholar-monk Bhikkhu Bodhi
The session consists of a 15-minute vandana (chanting verses of homage), followed by a 45-minute guided meditation. All are welcome to join. For the texts recited, see class page on web: chanting text.
With metta
BAUS (Buddhist Association of the United States)

NOTE: This is a recurring meeting: from 7:00pm to 8:00pm Wednesdays

Lent: Will Devil tempt us? (Alan Watts)

Impatient? Rush to Minute 2:37 to hear Christian approach and the Devil's opposition to being good

What is the Zen way to liberation? Kindergarten
Imagine beginning the Rains Retreat (Buddhist Lent known as Vas) with the idea of being good. Mara will come right at you like an angel of light (Mara Devaputra, Cupid, Eros, Kamadeva) and undermine your efforts, won't he? That's his modus operandi, as Alan Watts explains. But Taoism, and therefore Zen Buddhism, has a solution: Don't let him know what you're doing. One must act without intention, without premeditation, without the goal or outcome in mind so as to not let him know what we're up to on our path to be good. Otherwise, he'll just come along and ruin our efforts like taking candy from an old person or trying to give veggies to a baby: They'll fight you.
What does Alan Watts know?
By understanding both cultures, he's a bridge.
Not 40 days, but for more than 40 years, Alan Watts has earned a reputation as one of the foremost Western interpreters of Eastern philosophy.

Beginning at age 16, when he wrote essay for the journal of the Buddhist Lodge in London, Watts developed an audience of millions who were enriched by the wisdom of the East through his books, recordings, radio shows, public television programs, and public lectures.

In all, Watts wrote more than 25 books and recorded hundreds of lectures, all building toward a personal philosophy that he shares in complete candor and joy with readers and listeners throughout the world.

Insight can do what the ego cannot do by doing. - Philosophy or sophistry? Does Watts go too far?

Sixties icon? He was at it since before the 1950s.
His overall body of work has presented a model of individuality and self-expression matched by few philosophers, modern or ancient.

KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles continues to air Watts on Sunday mornings (8:00 am) and during Something's Happening midnights on Thursdays overnight to Friday.

The three main sources for Alan Watts are the Pacifica Radio Archives, (800) 735-0230,, the Electronic University (415) 460-0825,, and Wisdom Quarterly.

Are Catholics "Forgiven," Alanis?

It's good to be Catholic, but just for Mardi Gras
Catholic Canadian cool hippie gal Alanis Morrissette became famous in the U.S. when she released Jagged Little Pill. It had hit after hit, particularly "You Oughta Know." "Ironic" is dumb. "Head Over Feet" is so heartfelt. The seventh single should have been "Forgiven." It was a long run with millions of copies sold, making it double diamond (rather than just gold).

Her ironic sass and probing irreverence are cool
How this song didn't get promoted, I'll never know. It's like P!nk, who's not that good but heck a popular. She had one pretty good song no one seemed to think that much of about her dysfunctional family.

"We all had our reasons to be there. We all had a thing or two to learn," Morrissette and Ballard explain. "My brothers, they never went blind for what they did, but I may as well have. In the name of the Father, the Skeptic, and the Son, I had one more stupid question.... If I jump in this fountain, will I be forgiven?"

Deftones: alt-nu metal US tour 2025

Peace and Freedom = nirvana (
A person gets so sick of politics and politicians, business bullsitters and oligarchs, war profiteers and phony anti-war figures that what can one do but follow the words of Berkeley student Mario Savio? He gets to the point, and anyone who cares about freedom and what America's ideals are said to be might agree. Hey, why not? It's March Forth Day.

Deftones "7 Words" (live)
(pppaaatttrrriiikkk1) What's the alternative to metal? Nu metal (aka alt metal), at least it was back in the summer of 2003 when Deftones were live at Big Day Out or Big Day In in Sydney, Australia, down under where the fans go around the fur for their adrenaline. Fast forward to today, when the Deftones are in Los Angeles for a big show at the Forum, aka the Kia.

A call for civil disobedience when freedom is threatened

March Forth Day
March Forth Day (
is an annual unofficial American holiday celebrated on March 4th to encourage everyone to work towards achieving their dreams. It aims to provide an opportunity for people to take calculated risks towards achieving their goals and developing themselves. It is a special day to take a stand against procrastination or the faux reasons that tend to creep into our heads and discourage us from even trying. The name was made up as a homophone of the day "March Fourth." It is also the shortened version of the full name — "March Forth and Do Something Day." More

Gladiator School at LA Juvenile Hall

10 Things I Hate About Private Prisons | American Civil Liberties Union of Texas

Surveillance video shows guards arranged ‘gladiator fights’ between minor inmates
(KTLA 5) March 3, 2025: Thirty Los Angeles County detention services officers are facing criminal charges for facilitating “gladiator fights” between youths at an LA County juvenile hall, allegedly because maybe our eyes are lying to us from all the hours of surveillance video catching them doing it.

Children as young as 12 abused by officers, who laugh and encourage them to hurt each other for their entertainment during 69 violent fights involving 143 child-convicts who are then told not to report it or seek medical attention for their injuries. Ironically, los pardrinos is Spanish for "the godparents," which male and female officers seem to have taken to mean Mafia members. \

KTLA's Sandra Mitchell reports live on Mar. 3, 2025. Details:

Trump, Bernie talk, Simpsons predict

Trump’s Canada & Mexico tariffs hike up prices, While GOP blames Biden for economy | Daily Show

Pres. Trump's 2025 address to Congress | LIVE ๐Ÿ”ด
(FOX 5 New York) President DJ Trump addresses joint session of Congress at 9:00 pm ET, during which he is expected to outline key legislative goals and set the tone for a second and third term. While the event will closely resemble a State of the Union address, it is not officially designated as one.

Feel the Bern: Sen. Bernie Sanders to give rebuttal and retort