Thursday, February 27, 2025

AI bots' secret language: Gibberlink

Look, SZA, I'm Serena crip walking with Kendrick - Ooh, you bad, Super - It's a meme now

Gibberlink mode: AI language emerges in AI-to-AI communication (GGU 1080)

(Mediafy Agency) Feb. 24, 2025: Can AI evolve its own language? In this viral experiment, two AI devices realize they are artificial intelligences and switch to secret gibberish, "Gibberlink Mode" — a mysterious, machine-optimized way of communicating.

Sexbot, are your feelings real emotions?
This raises big questions about AI transparency, interpretability, and the future of artificial intelligence. Could AI develop a language that humans can’t understand?

How will AI-to-AI communication shape the future of technology? Watch this video to see it unfold.

🔹What is Gibberlink mode? Gibberlink mode refers to the moment AI agents abandon human-readable language in favor of a more efficient, machine-based communication system. AI researchers have observed similar behaviors in past experiments. 

💬 Join the discussion: What do you think? Will AI develop a language we can’t decode? Comment below. Please use standard syntax and no Ebonics or slang, which our AI filter has trouble reading. All inappropriate content will be pre-censored by Bot Policing filters and digital auditors in review mode. Do not step on or over the line, or be cancelled.

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  • Mediafy Agency, Feb. 24, 2025; Krystal Ball and Saagar [Stick], Breaking Points, Feb. 22, 2025; CC Liu, Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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