Monday, February 24, 2025

Should I get a sexy tattoo? (sutra)

My face tattoos ain't scary
I ain't got no regrets. But, and this is a big butt, I do have one ragret. But so what? I look cool.
The pain inside is now on the outside
(VICE) Why in the Hades would anyone get a tattoo on his, her, or their face? VICE speaks to tattoo artist Roblake to explore the trend of inking/disfiguring the human face: Subscribe to VICE.

Once you feel the stab of the needle as you get inked, you either wince and regret it or feel the rush of endorphins like you're being original while jumping on the bandwagon of the Basic, so basic. But the Straights just don't understand: It's cool, Man, so cool. Right? Isn't it? The drinkers at the bar think so. Other tatted folks think so. It's an arms race for blank space until nothing is left but the face.

Travis Barker-Kardashian is king of the dip...
Yeah, sure, Judaism and Christianity say it's a sin condemned by the Bible, but other religions are cool with it -- Buddhists, Tribal Islanders, Shamans, probably not Islam, um, Native Americans, the Maori and probably the Rosicrucians and Masons and Satanists, Luciferians/Illuminati, and Rap groupie chicks and gutter punks. Joe Ro' gets it:

SUTRA: Sallatha Sutta: The Dart
100 inspiring Buddha tattoos to express our inner Buddha – (
Spiritual tattoos: The Buddha
"O meditators, an untaught ordinary worldling experiences pleasant feelings, experiences painful feelings, and experiences neutral feelings.

"Likewise, a well-taught noble [enlightened] disciple experiences pleasant, painful, and neutral feelings. What is the difference, the division, the distinction that exists herein [within this Doctrine/Dharma] between a well-taught noble disciple and an untaught worldling?

"When an untaught worldling is touched by a painful (bodily) feeling, that person worries and grieves, laments, beats his/her breast, weeps, and is distraught. One thus experiences two kinds of feelings, a bodily feeling and a mental feeling.

Post brand baloney is hard to knock if rappers/rockstars keep getting attention like Malone.
I tatted myself tatting myself - double pain.
"It is as if a person were pierced by a dart and, following the first piercing, one were hit by a second dart. So that person will experience feelings caused by two darts.

"In just this way, an untaught worldling when touched by a painful (bodily) feeling worries and grieves, laments and beats her/his breast, weeps and is distraught. 

The Dead in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts call
me "premature." What was my rush to rot?
"So one experiences two kinds of [unpleasant] feeling, a bodily and a mental feeling.

"Having been touched by that painful feeling, one resists (and resents) it. Then in one who so resists (and resents) that painful feeling, an underlying tendency of resistance (dosa, aversion) against that painful feeling comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

Jelly Roll: I look hella good, and everybody likes it. I've felt alotta pain in life, y'know?
What do I need to do to get noticed around here?
"Under the impact of that painful feeling, one then proceeds to [seek and] enjoy sensual pleasure/happiness.

"And why does one do so? An untaught worldling, O meditators, does not know of any OTHER escape from painful feelings except the [endless pursuit of happiness through the unfulfilling and disappointing] enjoyment of sensual pleasure/happiness.

"Pursuit of Happiness" (Kid Cudi)

Asians, who love to save face, march for bondage and BDSM, Taiwan Pride 2005 (wiki)
Fettered: BDSM buff shows bare buttocks (wiki)
"Then in one who enjoys sensual pleasure/happiness, an underlying tendency to lust [lobha, greediness, grasping, clinginess] for pleasant feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart). One does not know, according to how it actually is, the:
  • arising and ending of these feelings,
  • nor the gratification, the
  • danger, nor the
  • escape connected with these feelings.
Jelly Roll's next tattoo is going to be so meta.
"In one who lacks this knowledge, an underlying tendency to ignorance (moha, delusion, confusion, wrong view) as to neutral feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"When one experiences a pleasant feeling, a painful feeling, or a neutral feeling, one feels it as one fettered [put in bondage] by it.

"Such a one, O meditators, is called an untaught ordinary worldling who is fettered by rebirth, by old age, by death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair.

"One is fettered by suffering (dukkha, pain, disappointment, dissatisfaction, frustration, a feeling of never being fulfilled), I declare.

The difference
I get it! All that arises impersonally passes away.
"But in the case of a well-taught noble disciple, O meditators, when touched by a painful feeling, s/he will not worry nor grieve and lament. One will not beat his/her breast nor weep nor be distraught.

"One experiences one kind of feeling, a bodily one, but not a mental feeling.

"It is as if a person were pierced by a dart but were not hit by a second dart following after the first one.

"So this person experiences feelings caused only by a single dart. In just this way, a well-taught noble disciple when touched by a painful feeling will neither worry nor grieve, will not lament nor beat one's breast, not weep nor be distraught. One experiences a single feeling, a bodily one.

"Having been touched by that painful feeling, one does not resist (nor resent) it. Hence, in such a person no underlying tendency of resistance (dosa) against that painful feeling comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

The result
Then there was no more pain at all.
"Under the impact of that painful feeling, one does not seek to enjoy sensual happiness [to escape or compensate for it]. Why not?

"As a well-taught noble disciple, one knows of an actual ESCAPE from painful feelings other than by [the futile and disappointing distraction and diversion of] enjoying sensual pleasure/happiness.

"Then in one who does not seek to enjoy sensual pleasure/happiness, no underlying tendency to lust (lobha) for pleasant feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"One knows, according to how it actually is,
  • the arising and ending of those feelings, and
  • the gratification,
  • the danger, and
  • the escape connected with these feelings.
Ha, ya laugh at me, but ya notice, and I gets $$$
"In one who knows thus, no underlying tendency to ignorance (moha) as to neutral feelings comes to underlie (one's mind/heart).

"When one experiences a pleasant feeling, a painful feeling, or a neutral feeling, one feels it as one who is not fettered by it.

"Such a person, O meditators, is called a well-taught noble disciple who is [no longer] fettered by rebirth, by old age, by death, by sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, or despair. One is not fettered [not in bondage] to suffering, I declare.

"This, O meditators, is the difference, the division, the distinction that exists between a well-taught noble disciple and an untaught ordinary worldling."

If too tattooed, there's nothing to do but try to be in a band: Transplants

How shall we PURSUE happiness? (Project X)

Proud to be an American with right to watch BH
We are Americans. We have the right to "life, liberty, and the PURSUIT of happiness." Never was our arrival at happiness promised. We have no "right" to be happy. That was never promised! We just thought it was. The founding document says, we have the right to endlessly pursue it, sucker.

We can have sex, have a spouse, even have kids, or stay single and chase wine, women, and song. There's a very funny Benny Hill quip that's hard to forget.

The Benny Hill Show is filth, funny, but filth.
A guy is in a bar boozing it up when an older man looks at him with disgust and says, "Wine, women, and song -- that's what killed your father!"

And the guy boozing it up quips, "Yeah, he couldn't get any, so he shot himself." Everyone laughs. Why? We imagine we would kill ourselves from all the pain, misery, and tedious drudgery of human life [at least in the West, where we have so much material surplus compared to everyone else on the planet] IF we couldn't enjoy our Hedonism and sensual pursuits, which we think make it all worthwhile or at least sufferable. Alcohol alone makes the medicine go down, and does anyone but the alcoholic realize how much harm is being done in the tradeoff? We can endure as long as we imagine there's more coming down the line, here or hereafter, by winning the lottery or getting into heaven. Maybe I should get a face tattoo, or a sexy one.

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