Thursday, February 13, 2025

Mexican Buddhists: DNA results are in

Mexican movie star Salma Hayek is Latina beauty
What's a modern Latino, Chicano, Mexican American to look like? ( | Pin it
Nearly all Mexicans are "blends" or Mestizas
There's a Mexican Buddhists? There are many Mexican Buddhists, not only today but in the past when there were many more.

See A Narrative History of Buddhism in America by American Rick Fields (Shambhala Publications) for a more recent history, but Edward P. Vining's An Inglorious Columbus is the classic anthropological and historical study of who arrived on the shores of Alta and Baja California in ancient times.
  • American Edward P. Vining, who lived until 1920, was a writer, railroad executive [1], and author of An Inglorious Columbus (1885), in which he argued that Buddhist monk Hui Shen was originally from Afghanistan (Gandhara), traveled to China and Mexico, and created pre-Columbian Mexican culture and religion. More
Castas: Spanish racism in Americas
It was Buddhist missionaries from Afghanistan led by Chinese monk Hwui Shan. Vining published his massive text in 1895, yet Americans today are surprised to hear anything about it. Buddhists were in the Grand Canyon from ancient times, along with Hindus or Atlanteans (those from Atzlan?) or followers of a more universalist blended world religion of the past, long before Christian hegemony and the activities of the Catholic Church, its pope, and rapist-priests accompanying soldiers, killers, and slavedrivers to make sure the Vatican got its cut of the booty as it decreed a Doctrine of Discovery to cover them legally in Europe.

Jaw-dropping MEXICAN ancestry and DNA results revealed

Richest man in the world Carlos Slim's family
(Mysterious Origins) Before the arrival of the Spanish (European) invaders in Mesoamerica in 1519, Mexico and Central America [including Panama, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belize, and Guatemala (allegedly named after the Buddha Gautama, meaning "Gautama's Garland," seeming to reference the Buddha's mother Queen Maya Gautama, according to Fields, 1981), perhaps related to the entire "Maya" civilization that would have been revolutionized by the influx of ancient Chinese and Afghan/Gandhari technology and art] was home to some of the most advanced civilizations in the world, including the Indigenous/Native American Maya, Aztec, ZapotecToltec, and Mixtec peoples.

Buddhism arrived in US, Mexico before Christianity
These civilizations built great cities and empires that amazed the Spanish, developed sophisticated writing and calendrical systems, and engaged in extensive trade networks.

However, the Spanish onslaught, led by the infamous Conquistador Hernán Cortés, resulted in a dramatic transformation and ruin of the region.

The collision of these two civilizations — indigenous Mesoamerican societies and Old World European imperialists — resulted in the creation of modern Latino identity, a blend of Indigenous and Spanish bloodlines.

Brutal colonization brought a foreign language (Spanish), an odd religion (Catholicism), and customs (mass rape, hegemony, racially based chattel slavery) and a reshaping of political and social structures, often at the expense of Indigenous autonomy.

The conquest nearly wiped out these Native groups, but indigenous cultures proved remarkably resilient, influencing everything from language and cuisine to spirituality and artistic traditions.  #mexico #panama #guatemala #centralamerica #mesoamerica


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