- louderthanlife2025.frontgatetickets.com
- Sept. 18-21, 2025, in Louisville, Kentucky, home of the Slugger
- Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Avenged Sevenfold, Cypress Hill, Lorna Shore, Rob Zombie, Deftones, Marilyn Manson, Trivium, Bring Me the Horizon, Lamb of God, Stone Temple Pilots, Down, Testament, Bruce (Iron Maiden) Dickinson, Bad Omens, A Perfect Circle, Evanescence, Spirit Box, I Prevail, Acid Bath, Exodus, Kitty, White Chapel, Suicide Boys, Three Days Grace. All Time Low, Motionless in White, Cavalier, Mudvayne, Knocked Loose, Hate Breed, Breaking Benjamin, Testament, and 150 more bands
- Slayer performs hardcore punk rock covers, 1996
What year is it? Slayer is back together, Pantera is out on tour, Ozzy is an invalid but not dead and still making albums. It's almost as if a second wind for heavy music, a rebirth of hardcore extreme metal and plenty of bands making mainstream inroads.
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