Saturday, April 3, 2021

Buddhist Wisdom and Ancient Plant Medicine

Spring Washam (InsightLA Meditation); Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
A Peruvian shaman's visions of the cosmos: Pablo Amaringo's art (

Spring Washam is a senior teacher at This is for all levels. All are welcome to join in this special daylong workshop.
Ayahuasca ingredients boiling in pot
Participants will explore the life and teachings of the historical Buddha within the framework of an archetypal shamanic journey.

Explore how plant medicines, also referred to as “entheogens,” can be used skillfully in order to accelerate our awakening process.

The colonization of the Ayahuasca experience
Together we will take a deep dive into the powerful world of healing utilizing these sacred gifts offered directly from Mother Earth.

From the jungles of Peru in the Americas to the Himalayan mountain tops of Asia, we will explore how two great traditions can be brought skillfully together.

This daylong will include talks on the theme of the day, periods of meditation, sacred music, and group discussions.

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