Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Chemtrails are unnatural and toxic (video)

Dane Wigington, Coast to Coast AM, 4/5/21; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Researcher Dane Wigington documents changes in our environment that he reveals are being caused by geoengineering -- including:
  • weather modification
  • global dimming
  • synthetic "web" fibers
  • aluminum, barium, strontium
  • sudsy rain
  • synthetic snow
  • chemtrails
  • GMO crops.
Why is "climate engineering" dangerous and damaging to the environment, and how may it have been responsible for the anomalous freeze in Texas in early 2021?

Climate engineering involves filling the atmosphere with toxic, metallic, light-scattering particulate matter to subdue global warming.

These mitigation efforts include chemtrail spraying (persistent chemical aerosol emissions) from planes, which leave a toxic residue in the forests, oceans, and in our bodies. Associated particulate ingredients have been found inside the bodies of everything from bees to whales, birds to humans.

Regarding the severe cold weather in the Lone Star State earlier this year, Wigington notes that at that time temperatures at the North Pole were 33 degrees warmer than the Gulf Coast of Texas.

Meteorologically speaking, this anomalous weather could not have been a natural occurrence, he argues, and it does not make sense that higher elevations in the area would have warmer temperatures.

This could only happen through "an endothermic reacting material like chemical ice nucleation," he asserts.

Wigington was on Coast to Coast to talk about his new documentary, The Dimming, which he has made available FREE to open the eyes of critics. The film shows the evidence and testing for chemtrails emitted by aircraft nozzles. AUDIO

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