Saturday, November 5, 2022

Purification by celery juice (video)

Not all good leads to the greatest good.
The Buddha was very clear on this point. There's a defect in our unenlightened mind, numerous defects to straighten out, but one in particular is attachment to rites and rituals as if they could awaken us. For example, we may think bowing in front of a particular statue, or fasting, or eating a particular food, or abstaining from a particular thing will do the trick. It won't (as it won't get to the root of why we're swimming in passion, aversion, fear, and delusion). What does get at the root? This Ennobling Eightfold Path, because "noble" (arya) means enlightened.

It's the Way, the Path, and in particular there are 37 Requisites of Enlightenment and Seven Factors of Enlightenment to focus on. But that not to say that we can't purify our bodies by pure diet and fasting, exercise (like yoga or breathwork), and mellowing the mind and emotions by thinking differently or relaxing. It's just that these mundane things should never be confused with what is path and not-path.

I'd like a clean liver, a clean conscience, a clean colon, clear skin, and a flexible back. Is it possible? Yes. Let's start with the liver.

Drinking celery juice in the morning for one year changed my life
(Mary Allyson) As someone who's been drinking celery juice for the long-term (not just 7-30 days like everyone else), I want to share my celery juice experience. I drank celery juice in the morning for an entire year, and I actually still drink it! I don't drink it as often as I used to, but it's definitely still part of my routine because it helped me with my acid reflux problems, which is just one of the amazing celery juice benefits I found. All in all, I've had a very positive experience with celery juice and would recommend trying it.

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