Sunday, October 15, 2023

Mayan medicine in danger of extinction

The Yucatan Times, 1/1/20; Crystal Quintero, Xochitl, Dhr. Seven  (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Mayan medicine in danger of extinction - The Yucatan Times
Did one culture and one civilization give rise to the next, Maya to Aztec to modern?
One way to ruin knowledge is to run railroads through archeological jungle sites.
Did ordinary humans living in the crowded jungle just start building precise pyramids?
Archeologists discover an ancient Mayan city in the jungle that's been hidden for 2,000 years.
LidDAR reveals what would be very hard to otherwise find up close in dense virgin jungle.

What LiDAR (jungle penetrating radar) reveals are whole highway systems and cities.

Where's Mesoamerica (Mexico)? It is really part of North America, just above Central America

Mayan plaster idol in Honduras, DEA (V. Giannella, contributor via Getty Images)
What's so special about Mexico? It is one of the most beautiful places and a part of California.
The world needs curanderos and chamans.
Mayan medicine, the advanced civilization and culture of Mexico and ancient Mesoamerica, is in danger of extinction.

What shamans developed and passed down over centuries to heal the people (with the help of extraterrestrial visitors, teachers, kings, and "gods" who imparted impossibly advanced technology) is now in danger of being lost.

Can botanists, herbalists, and those interested in natural medicines and alternative modalities save knowledge buried in a codex not destroyed by the Conquistadors, Catholic Church, and jealous scholar-priests. The loss of indigenous knowledge is a greater threat than the loss of human languages.

Will the government, suffering from corruption and cartels, muster the resources to save this cultural treasure, or will individual practitioners save enough of it to pass on to one more generation? The Yucatan Times reports:

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