Sunday, December 1, 2024

Buddhist shamans of Siberia: Soyots

One of the most ancient peoples of Siberia, who are these Buddhists?
Indian by his teepee? No, Indigenous Swedish (Lapland) white Sámi peoples
(Science) The Soyot are an ethnic group of Samoyedic and Turkic origin who live mainly in the Oka region in the Okinsky District in Buddhist Buryatia, Russia.
Мальчик на шаманском обряде: Boy shaman
They share much of their history with the Tofalar, Tozhu Tuvans, Dukha [but not the Mokshas], and Buryat; the Soyot have taken on a great deal of Buryat cultural influence and were grouped together with them under Soviet policy.

Due to intermarriage between Soyots and Buryats, the Soyot population is heavily mixed with the Buryat. In 2000, they were reinstated as a distinct ethnic group. #soyots #indigenous #nomads #siberia #reindeer #yaks
Indigenous Buddhism in Siberia?

Inside a Russia we NEVER knew existed! (Buddhist Buryatia, Siberia)
Cham mystery dance (wiki)
(Matt and JuliaBURYATIA. Did you know Buddhism existed in Siberia, Russia? This is Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Just north of the border with #Mongolia, the beautiful region of #Buryatia where Buryats live is the home of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism in Russia! This video visits a Buddhist datsan set high in the hills above Ulan Ude called Rinpoche Bagsha datsan, one of the most incredible places we have ever been in all of our travels through Russia. As well as exploring this incredible Buddhist temple, we also eat our way through more local Buryatian food.
Check out our Siberian Travel Guide: 😊
  • Science, Aug. 28, 2024; Matt and Julia, Feb. 13, 2021; Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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