The Dharma, sutras, and commentarial interpretations of interest to American Buddhists of all traditions with news that not only informs but transforms. Emphasis on meditation, enlightenment, karma, social evolution, and nonharming.
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BLM confront far-right, trying to chase them out of downtown Portland in mace fight
(VICE News, Aug. 25, 2020) Far-right protesters spar with Black Lives Matter (BLM) and apparent Anti-Fascist (AntiFa) counter-protesters for hours on Saturday, shooting paintballs and mace at each other, destroying property, and harming reporters. It’s the latest in weeks of increasingly racist far-right activity with police backing in Portland.
White racist shoots three Black demonstrators, killing two, in Kenosha
Black Lives Matter and counter-protest by White supremacist "patriot" militia groups
(DW News, Aug. 26, 2020) A white supremacist shot three people and killed two. They were shot dead and several others injured in Kenosha, Wisconsin as peaceful anti-racism demonstrators gathered for a third night. Footage posted online shows what appears to be a criminal militant armed with a rifle, firing shots when he trips, after being chased by BLM demonstrators. Armed militia-like groups are increasingly adding a new layer of tension to public protests in the United States. In some cases, right-wing activists -- openly carrying weapons with the tacit approval of police -- have been patrolling peaceful anti-racism demonstrations with the blessing of local law enforcement. So what is the aim of such groups? DW met with members of one militia known as "American Wolf."
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