Thursday, April 1, 2021

Easter? "Jesus Myth," Tim Freke (video)

@TimFreke, Luke Hancock (@Graham__Hancock, 9/2/20); Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

"Original Jesus" a Pagan God?
This interview of bestselling author Timothy Freke (@TimFreke) is with Luke Hancock, son of Graham Hancock, for the latter's YouTube channel. It discusses Gnosticism and the place of the Jesus myth in the world today. Some so-called "Christians" in their comments seem to detest what Tim Freke or anyone like him has to say, to which Graham Hancock can only quote a saying attributed to the Nazarene, who is popularly believed to be the Christ or "Anointed One," and that suggestion is, "Love thy enemies." Tim Freke books:

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