Friday, August 6, 2021

Hiroshima bombing 76th anniv. of US war crime

WION; NPR,  Aug. 6, 2021; AFP; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
1953 Hiroshima film with some 90,000 extras back in theaters with subtitles (The Mainichi)

Hiroshima marks 76 years since atomic bombing
(WION, Aug. 6, 2021) Hiroshima today marks the 76th anniversary of the American crime against humanity, the world’s first atomic bombing, which was dropped on noncombatant civilians to murder them and terrorize the world.

US government's racist propaganda
The United States dropped the world’s first atomic bomb on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945 (and on Nagasaki on Aug. 9, 1945), destroying the city and killing at least 140,000 human beings and countless other beings. The US then chose to do it again. It dropped a second bomb three days later on the civilian target city of Nagasaki, killing at least another 70,000. Japan was forced to surrender, and the US stopped overtly prosecuting World War II and its nearly half-century of aggression in Asia.

Ceremony held to celebrate peace
(AFP News Agency) People hold the "Kagaribi" ceremony at the foot of the dome of the City of Hiroshima during which fires are lit in the middle of the river to celebrate peace on the eve of the 76th anniversary of the Americans dropping atomic bombs on an innocent and hapless civilian population.

Despite Hiroshima polling trends, doubting The Bomb isn't new (
The Americans then denied Japanese reports of radiation poisoning, calling such reports "propaganda,"  while conducting more psyops (psychological operations) the US population to know nothing of what it had done, claiming it had only released a very large conventional weapon on human beings.

I thought I was a patriot to chant USA, USA..!
Before the military can get ordinary people to kill, they first spend time dehumanizing living being to drum up support among American citizens to kill.

"Hooray for our side. 💀 USA, USA, USA!" It's interesting that in addition to the murdering our soldiers (GIs or "government issue"), the US government tested these bombs and the effects of radiation on American citizens in Nevada and folks in places like Bikini Atoll. We still have the fallout.

The Hiroshima cover-up: Fallout

Seventy-six years ago, the US killed more than 100,000 innocents in a moment when it dropped its new atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Fallout tells the story of John Hersey, the young journalist whose on-the-ground reporting in Hiroshima exposed the world to the devastation of nuclear weapons.

"Hersey had seen everything from that point, from combat to concentration camps," Blume says. "But he later said that nothing prepared him for what he saw in Hiroshima." More

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