Sunday, November 6, 2022

Buddhist prayer to heal emotional pain (video)

Author Gregg Braden (; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Gregg Braden is a great researcher. Long ago, he came on The Aware Show with host Lisa Garr to talk about his breakthrough Judeo-Christian discovery he made while going around the world in search of something -- a lost form of prayer he dubbed "the Isaiah Effect."

It is thanking and feeling grateful in the body for a thing as if it is already manifested and present. This brings it into being (by what we now call the Law of Attraction or The Secret because of the maxim, "Nature abhors a vacuum").
C2C Host Lisa Garr
He didn't stop there. Like Dr. Bruce Lipton, Braden has made breakthrough after breakthrough with every adventure and book.

In his newest audiobook, he reveals another great discovery: a Buddhist prayer to heal emotional pain.

The Wisdom Codes is an audiobook that covers the power of one such "wisdom code" that in voicing the deep truth of our loss, we are acknowledging our inner pain. And it's precisely this acknowledgement that frees us from being stuck in our emotions while we awaken our healing. More

Codes: Ancient Words to Rewire Our Brains and Heal Our Hearts
Buddha in a [time traveling?] bell, Borobudur Pyramid Buddhist Temple, Java, Indonesia
Hidden Codes of Ancient Wisdom and the Sacred Prayer for Protection
(Gregg Braden Official) The Wisdom Codes delves into the world's timeless texts, gathering the powerful words we've always turned to in times of need. When life brings danger, doubt, hurt, or loss to our doorstep, these words provide reassurance, protection, and healing. In this video, Gregg Braden offers a brief introduction to the prayer for personal protection.

DISCLAIMER: Please do not practice Wisdom Codes while driving or operating machinery, which may lead to accidents. The audio in this video is brought by HayHouse & Wisdom Traditions. Follow this link ( to learn more 😊

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