Friday, October 13, 2023

Religious Jews oppose State of Israel (video)

Rabbi Weiss, Dr. Ally (LTQS); Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"We cry for the Palestinians" | Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss
(Let the Quran Speak) Oct. 13, 2023: Moral high ground? Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss is an activist and spokesperson for Neturei Karta, which vocally opposes Zionism (settler colonialism in the name of religion) and the state of Israel.

Warmongers give Jews a bad name.
Whether or not Palestinian people were affected or even if the land were uninhabited (which it so clearly was not), Neturei Karta says the Jewish people did NOT have a right to determine that.

The establishment of a State of Israel prior to the coming of the Messiah (Jewish savior figure or leader) is sinful and an act of rebellion against God.

Reve Weiss says Jews yearn to return to the "Holy Land" [in Bihar, India? No, the Abrahamic one in Africa]. So they pray to God to bring about that end day.

But in the meantime, they are tasked with patiently waiting, serving God, being loyal citizens in whatever country they are residing, and upholding the Torah (Jewish Bible akin to the Old Testament) in every land in which they live.

This interview was conducted by Dr. Safiyyah Ally at Reviving the Islamic  Spirit Convention in Toronto in December.

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