Sunday, October 8, 2023

US joins Israeli war crimes to provoke Iran

Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

The US says it is moving an aircraft carrier, battleships, and fighter jets to the eastern Mediterranean and will also give [supply deadly arms at no cost to] Israel additional equipment and ammunition [so it can kill more Palestinians and complete it US-style colonial occupation, displacement, and genocide of the indigenous people so Europeans (Ashkenazi) can steal the land and claim God gave it to them in a book].

It follows the Hamas (the security and defense force imprisoned in the world's largest open-air prison called the Gaza Strip] attack on southern Israel, which U.S. Pres. Biden called an "unprecedented and appalling assault."

She's holding a gun, and they're joking ironically
A US National Security spokesperson said several US citizens were among the dead. Israel says more than 700 people have been killed and 100 kidnapped.

In Gaza, more than 400 people have been killed following revenge air strikes by Israeli [militants and state sponsored terrorists, though we don't call them that because euphemisms are much more pleasant], according to Palestinian officials.

US Secretary of Defense War Lloyd Austin said the USS Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier, a missile cruiser, and four missile destroyers were heading to the region.

US fighter jets would also be sent [because the US military has not yet spent a trillion dollars in Ukraine but is itching to lose that much or more on foreign imperial escapades that will help enrich war profiteers in the US and in transnational corporations].

Further military arms for Israel would be sent in the coming days, the White House said, adding that the US was working to ensure that Israel's enemies would not try to seek advantage from the situation.

What does Israel want? - Revenge. - When does it want it? - Before, now, and later.
I'll send help soon. = No, no worries, Donald.
Iran's Pres. Ebrahim Raisi has expressed support for Hamas, saying Israel needed to be held to account for endangering the region [by imprisoning Palestinians then closing the walls in on them, starving them, isolating them, humiliating them, killing them, arresting them, bombing their tenement homes with fighter jets for an overkill effect, and other forms of terror the world stays strangely silent about or which are blocked from US media channels so that members of the US Empire are utterly ignorant of what has been going on to provoke retaliation by an oppressed minority trying to shake off its European invaders and well-funded war criminals holding all the power].

Hamas has said assistance from Iran helped it carry out its retaliation, which involved rockets, drones, and valiant defenders on paragliders and saw hundreds of revolutionary fighters break through Israeli border fortifications [prison towers and walls] around the Gaza Strip.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US had not seen evidence of direct Iranian involvement, but that Iran had been helping their fellow Muslims in the Gaza-based defense group for years.

"Hamas wouldn't be Hamas without the support that it's gotten over many years from Iran. We haven't yet seen direct evidence that Iran was behind this particular attack or involved. But the support over many years is clear," he told US TV.

At a UN Security Council meeting, Iran denied involvement in the attack on Israel, Reuters reported. More

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