Thursday, May 2, 2024

Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Life

Jesus Lived in India: His Unknown Life Before and After the Crucifixion

Author Holger Kersten has 4.5 out of 5 stars with 336 ratings. Jesus has an unknown life before his crucifixion. We all know that. But he had an unknown life after that crucifixion? Nearly no one but Nicolas Notovitch and the historical figures involved knew that.

Why has Christianity chosen to ignore and suppress its connections to the religions of the East and to repeatedly dismiss the numerous claims that Jesus (aka Issa in Buddhism and Isa in Islam) spent a large part of his life in India?

This compelling research presents irrefutable evidence that Jesus Christ did indeed live in India, dying there in old age at 80. It is the result of many years of investigative research.

Jesus Lived in India takes the reader to all the historical sites connected with Jesus in Israel, the Middle East, Buddhist Afghanistan (ancient Gandhara, Scythia, Saka), and India, which was historically much larger, encompassing parts of Tibet, China, all of Pakistan, and parts of Afghanistan in Central Asia.

As well as revealing age-old links between the Israelites and the East, the evidence found by theologian Holger Kersten points to the following startling conclusions:
  • In his youth Jesus followed the ancient Silk Road to India (with a band of Jewish merchants who regularly made that journey to a Jewish enclave in the Himalayas).
  • While there Jesus studies Buddhism, adopting its tenets and becoming a spiritual master.
  • Why would Roman soldier take a bribe?
    Jesus survives the crucifixion [because his disciples pay off the Roman guards to cut him down and make sure he does not die, which usually takes three days at which time one suffocates from fluids in the lungs, which is why one good soldier stabs him in the side with what came to be called the "Spear of Destiny") when Jesus was only on the cross for a few hours].
  • After the "resurrection" Jesus returns to India to die in old age.
  • Jesus is buried in Srinagar, the capital of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, where he continues to be revered as a saintly man named Issa. The tomb of Jesus still exists in Kashmir for anyone to see.
  • Jesus Lived in India (
  • Holger Kersten, Jesus Lived in India, 12/31/01 ( Shauna Schwartz, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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