Saturday, August 3, 2024

Explore LA: Obon Festival; psychic lawyer

The Dead are still with us, so let's eat.
What it’s like to visit a Japanese American Obon festival, from the musubi to the dancing: Obon is a joyous Japanese American summer holiday dedicated to remembering and honoring ancestors (aka The Dead, and we don't mean grateful Jerry Garcia).

Explore the Obon Festival
Sushi is rice and vegetables wrapped in seaweed
Summer weekends at SoCal Japanese Buddhist temples fill with carnival games, Japanese food, and dancing as people of all generations come together to celebrate Obon, a joyous holiday dedicated to remembering and honoring ancestors.

Growing up Japanese American attending an Obon festival evokes instant nostalgia. I remember being a kid eating peanut butter mochi (puffy sticky rice paste) and shaved ice during breaks between dancing. Learn more about Obon.

What is Obon?
  • Obon — one of SoCal’s biggest Japanese American celebrations — is a way of remembering those who have passed.
  • It's that spooky time of year (summer), when Japanese spirits are restless (like the West's Halloween).
  • It's a sacred holiday dedicated to remembering and honoring ancestors.
It’s a bit like the Japanese version of Mexico's Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead), with a distinctly Japanese American twist.

Festivals take place at temples and community centers from June to August and include carnival games, home-cooked food, and traditional Japanese dancing. All are welcome. Learn more about the history and find one near you.

Psychic Lawyer Mark Anthony
I attended an Obon festival in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley, hosted over two days by the San Fernando Valley Hongwanji Buddhist Temple at the San Fernando Valley Japanese American Community Center next door.

What follows is a visual and audio tour of the weekend, from chopping veggies to dancing at sunset. More

Int'l Flying Saucer Bureau must shut down, say
ETs, Hat Man, evil spooks, or the Men in Black.

America's "Psychic Lawyer"

Vril Society oracle Maria Orsic
(C2C) Mark Anthony, the "Psychic Lawyer" at, is a psychic medium who communicates with the spirits of the dead.

He was on Coast to Coast (8/2/24) discussing psychic readings he has conducted with people who claim to have been abducted by space aliens and the reasons why certain people are targeted for abduction and others are not. (It's their protein metabolism, which means it's their genetic profile).

Lawyer Anthony recounts the story of Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson, who maintain that they were abducted by aliens while fishing near Pascagoula, Mississippi, in Oct. 1973.

Vril Society gave Nazis advanced technology
According to Parker, they were intentionally paralyzed by a "light" emitted from a metallic, football-shaped flying object, then taken aboard by robotic entities.

While on the alien ship (vimana), Parker described being injected against his will and examined by what he perceived to be an extremely beautiful woman who had reptilian-like fingers. Her beauty was such that he did not mind the fingers until her cloak dropped.

Orsic channeled Sumerian text from Aldebaran
Human medical examinations later showed puncture wounds on Parker and Hickson's bodies, which corroborated their abduction story, Anthony emphasized that Parker and Hickson consistently passed lie detector tests and other interrogations, reinforcing their credibility over the years.

The Psychic Lawyer discusses a gallery event in Denver, where he connected with a young man who had repeatedly been abducted by aliens. During a reading, Anthony received a message from the man's deceased grandfather indicating that the aliens were interested in how he metabolized protein.
  • We come for a piece [of flesh].
    [So the solution to repeated abductions may lie in a change of diet, perhaps cleaning up and going vegan, a sort of purity these malevolent or at least cold-blooded creatures would not be interested in.]
This protein detail matched findings from other abductees, who experienced an intense craving for protein and salt after abductions, as if they had been drained of their stores.

Anthony links this to research suggesting that aliens might use extracted human protein as nourishment or for other purposes, such as [hybrid breeding, mating, or] cloning.

He also shares insights related to the Roswell downed UFO incident that were provided to him by his father who held top-secret clearance in the late 1950s.

Anthony said his father revealed the rapid transition in the U.S. from archaic transistor-based electronics to the advanced alien technology of silicon chips. This was the result of reverse-engineering extraterrestrial tech recovered from Roswell [as well as Velcro].

There are many spirits (Madame Blavatsky)
He expresses his belief in a massive government cover-up of Roswell with distribution of alien technology to private corporations with government contract [Bell Labs, Boeing, Gruman, etc.] and the ET influences on our technological progress. More + AUDIO

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