Monday, January 27, 2025

What happened? Free LA Fire healing

Los Angeles' San Gabriel Valley suddenly feels like a faraway paradise beach
What is a sound bath for spiritual cleansing?
In PR Russia with its worker cooperatives, the nation hides a glorious imperial past. Leningrad is actually Saint Petersburg, and this is where the czar stored the booty from imperial Eurasian adventures and conquests in the forging of the USSR, a Soviet super-nation, now mostly disassembled. The great Central Asian "stans" where the Buddha grew up are remnants of that time as is Ukraine and places as far away as Mongolia. The palace is now a museum. One needn't travel all the way there to see it, just visit The Langham Huntington Resort Spa in residential Pasadena on Lake Ave., which becomes Oak Knoll as it flows south.

The Langham Huntington, Pasadena
All the Gilded Age gold inlay on the ceiling...anyway, turn left to the Georgian Room, apparently named after the country of Georgia, where 60 yoga mats were arranged in a flower pattern streaming out from a center, where all of our "philosophical instruments" (Tibetan and crystal singing bowls, Zildjian gongtingsha, giant shamanic drum, muyu wooden temple drum) were set up. Enormous amethyst and clear quartz crystals formed a ring around our sacred space. Eager participants, many of them guests of the hotel, streamed in and found a place, arranging themselves on the ground for maximum comfort, socializing and hugging. Then Seven sounded the drum and brought their attention to the basics for the evening:
  • total relaxation
  • receptivity with palms facing upward (downward for grounding)
  • diaphragmatic breathing
  • placing the mind on the breath to remain in the present moment, knowing the human superpower of adverting attention to a safe default (resting home) position at the nose or belly button.
Slowly the other musicians, the Zildjian Mistress Linda Lau Cole and Dr. O'Connor and Linda with the bell and her husband with the rain stick wandered about, enchanting the audience. Some sat to meditate, others taking a supine position to exhale.

The instructions were simple. What? Be. Where? Here. When? Now. How? Breathe and stay with the breath already breathing itself. Be a mindful observer of all that is coming up, without
  • fixing
  • judging
  • evaluating
  • clinging to
  • rejecting
  • fighting
  • or even choosing
The work of the shaman is healing.
the content of experience. Be here now. Stay present. Know the safety of presence as Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle explain it. Be in the now. The room was very safe. People kept streaming in, finding a mat. The sounds became ethereal, echoing, softening hearts and soothing minds.

Dr. O'Connor voiced otherworldly notes, traces of Tibetan chants, a heavenly choir as the Mistress joined in. Seven gave reiki and a laying on of healing hands, transferring prana and whispering a sacred mantra, for those open to it.

Dr. O'Connor began the process of emerging, signaling the supine to slowly move their heads side to side and rouse themselves with tapping. Slowly they sat up, smiling, looking at one another with lovely eyes.

Raising open palms, we intoned three long "OMs" together to send out metta and positive energy to an aching world. Outside, the earlier rain had quelled the fires and begun the cleansing process. Inside, the vibration had been raised, and there was clarity and a wish to connect.
  • The next FREE sound bath and healing event was announced (February 8, 2025, at 4:00 pm, at The Awareness Center, Pasadena.
Roses were distributed to everyone as was water provided by the spa. Some people cried tears of joy, free hugs were on offer, and plans were made to reunite as everyone was invited to the next event.

RSVP for the next free session
Event details
Event flyer: Sound Bath.
Spend an hour or more with Dr. O'Connor and healers gathering for a sound bath, vagus nerve release, relaxation, and meditation.

Dr. O'Connor and Dharma Buddhist Meditation are offering a complimentary sound bath and emotional healing to support Los Angeles residents affected by the recent fires with our very own Seven and Devorah Anderson.

These Santa Ana winds are driving me crazy!
Using Tibetan singing bowls, Indian harmonium, shamanic drums, and a Zildjian gong, this healing session promotes deep relaxation, breath work, emotional release, de-stressing, and physical renewal.

Let the soothing vibrations help begin to restore balance, ease stress and strain, and bring about peace from within during this time of recovery.

WHO MAY ATTEND? This is for any LA resident emotionally, psychologically, or physically affected by the fires. (That means you).

There is good scientific evidence that sound stimulates the vagus nerve and can therefore positively affect our wellbeing.

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