The Aware Show, hosted by Lisa Garr (pictured left), is Pacifica's weekly spirituality talk show emerging out of Los Angeles (free online streaming at, with a charge for archival access). It focuses on health, ecology, alternative medicine, healing, and the meaning of life.
Spirituality Radio Talk Show Ratings Continue to Soar
Energy Awareness is now in the top 8% of the most popular spirituality shows on – This new rating is up from 16% only five weeks ago. Radio host T Love (Reiki master and certified sound therapist), whose ratings have soared says: “Each week I’ve brought in a different guest to discuss how energy impacts our lives, specific to the area of expertise of the guest...handpicked by me to provide insight on spiritual and self-improvement topics, natural health, and offering assistance, education, healing, and inspiration in an effort to raise the consciousness level of the general public.” Guests include:
- Tammy Mastroberte (Elevated Existence Magazine).
- Authors Elisabeth Fayt, Paul Edward, Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, Noah St. John, Lori Barbaria and psychic/medium Lisa Kay.
- Future guests: Gay Hendricks, Joe Vitale, Isha, Mary Jane Ryan, and Rabbi Kula.