Friday, August 18, 2023

Buddha as backdrop for sexy song (video)

Haley Bennett; Amber Larson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY
I think I'm more beautiful. I certainly have more followers and views. I'm famous AF.

Not the Buddha: Tibetan yogi
Now that Nazi Barbie (Taylor Swift) has gotten so popular that even Margot Robbie envies her, and Beyonce gets more attention when she lightens her Becky-do hairdo, it's time to wonder if Haley Bennett -- who severely upstaged uncomfortable Drew Barrymore and old man (and former British heartthrob) Hugh Grant -- really could have had a legitimate hit on her hands.

The Monkees weren't a real band, but they did have real hits. A good song's a good song, like "Buddha's Delight."

Hollywood already had its go with Keanu Reeves
It wouldn't be the first time Hollywood did something right. They present an image, and that image gains more currency than the real thing. Just look at hate Californian governor and turncoat Ronnie Reagan. Image carries more weight than substance does. Haley Bennett was beautiful back then, and the ditty was catchy. As if "Buddha Bars" weren't bad enough, can anyone prevent the exploitation of beautiful Buddha statues as elements in pop culture.

What? I guess, technically, I'm a Ginger. Maybe I was an elf in a past life (

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