Friday, August 18, 2023

Obama confesses gay, trans feelings (TJDS)

Text: Wisdom Quarterly EDITORIAL; Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (
Barrack "Barry" Hussein Obama and Big Mike (aka transgender Michael/Michele)
Warlords Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton killing a man after calling him Osama bin Laden.

I'm not the first gay US president. Give me a bill.
While B.S. Obama (Barry Soetoro Obama, voiced by Mike MacRae), the phony activist but very real warmonger who made Dick and Bush so very proud as he followed in their warlord footsteps of the U.S. military-industrial complex), who was either born in Kenya or Hawaii as the CIA would have us believe, was going around Occidental College in Los Angeles, he was very much exploring his homosexual feelings.

I'm supposed to be pres. not that n...
In fact, a man who came out and spoke frankly to the media about his many homosexual liaisons and illegal drug consumption with Barry was assassinated for blowing the whistle. A female attorney then posted a very convincing video of the scientific evidence for Michael (aka "Michele") Obama being born a man being made to look and act like a woman. So the transgender movement as well as the homosexual community has long had an ally in Obama whether it knew they or not.

I was groomed and told what to do
The right-wing media (e.g., has certainly known about these things, but the left is left in the dark or, more often, is willfully blind to the evidence. Few people realize how much Obama promised and how badly he let us all down. What did he change but appearances? He made more war, while accepting his phony Nobel Peace Prize, than most other presidents -- and got away with it. He was called a socialist, a communist, a radical when he was not any of these things. He was a Project Pegasus wunderkind who saw his future in the stars. And when Andrew Basiago is finally elected and blows the whistle on time travel technology in the hands of our government, maybe then we'll see that our reality was squashed into banality... When the dust has settled and we're born again, maybe as a [Martin Short], maybe then we'll see, as R. Peni forewarned. As outlandish as all these statements may sound, look into them. The evidence is there in contravention to all we were told by the mainstream media. Caveat emptor when consuming TV.

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