Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Israel: Bibi intensifies genocide in Gaza

Stroumbo Tonight| Iran is next. Net buzzing about Netanyahu’s cartoon bomb (
No to war! NOT IN OUR NAME! This is not my Judaism (
Putting blood red in the White and Blue: NO to State of Israel's flag! - Religious biblical Jews

Three times Jon Stewart burst Fox News' bullsh*t bubble | The Daily Show

Judaism rejects Zionism
(The Daily Show) Aug. 28, 2024: Jon Stewart is the master of taking on the BS on Fox News. Here's a look at some of his finest moments calling out the network, from takedowns of their outrageous lies to an over-the-top celebration of the one time they got something right! #TDSThrowback #DailyShow #FoxNews #JonStewart

Join the campaign to REJECT AIPAC. As Israel massacres Palestinians in Gaza, the right-wing group AIPAC has lobbied hard to oppose a ceasefire. We’re mobilizing to defeat AIPAC’s dangerous agenda once and for all. Learn more about our campaign and take action now

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