Thursday, August 22, 2024

Will Kamala CHOKE at DNC speech?

Kami, when I play Veep... - On Seinfeld? - No, on Veep, I was more a Trump than a Kam. - Oh.

Look at me, I'm a super patriot and uniter!
: It's hard to believe KD Harris is as bad as she undoubtedly is because she gave the speech of her life, the best she has ever sounded. There was nothing to point out about her delivery or the crafting of that speech. It kissed all the right [behinds] and was strong without being offensive. The strongest applause came when she managed to say something good and encouraging about Palestine and Israel's genocidal crimes in Gaza on Palestinians without offending PM Netanyahu and hard right-wingers in favor of war crimes, gay rape of Palestinian prisoners, and stealing land in the Middle East. This is a speech everyone could be happy with without having to agree with all points. JD Vance must be bummed that all his hopes and aspirations are evaporating by hitching his caboose to Trump's train. And Usha Vance has to be proud that such a good job was done portraying American Indians and Blacks and women. What will the Republicans and MAGAots due to counter the best chance we have for finally getting a female president?
She's doomed to mess this up
Uh, umm, ugh, what I was saying was, ugh...
This has been the greatest Democratic National Convention of our lives. It is well managed, snubbing jerks like Genocide Joe and California Gov. Gav Newsom, putting everyone under the big tent to work, getting Tulsi Gabbard on a no-fly list, drawing an alter ego out of AOC, and making 1968 look like a big mistake (allowing the media to show it to the world, whereas this DNC hides, obscures, and distracts from all of the rioting outside the castle. It's like The Masque of the Red Death. The insular world of the convention will not even acknowledge that there are many, many Democrats and DINOS (Democrats in name only) who are mad at the party for warmongering, giving in to the status quo, becoming the status quo, going middle-of-the-road, harboring so many unindicted war criminals and corrupt individuals, and generally not coming anywhere near living up to their words and promises.

شرش | Shoresh | שר”ש (@shoresh_us) • Anti-Zionist Jews

This is Josh Shapiro, and we support Bibi's War.
In the "joy" and hoopla of finally being rid of senile septuagenarian Biden, and being happy for a younger, springier candidate, everyone seems to have forgotten or is actively in denial about how bad Kamala "Word Salad" Harris in speaking, inspiring, or getting anything done. So far in her campaign she has done a GREAT job in picking Tim Walz, in keeping quiet, in being elsewhere, in smiling, dressing nicely, saying nice things about demented Joe, and taking advice, but who is going to read her speech for her? The best speech writers may be brought in to write it, but someone has to read it at least as well as seasoned politicians have been reading theirs these past three days. What are the chances of that? The electorate will be watching. We're all on her side. She can't live up to the pressure. It's too much pressure. There is no drug she can be given, no earpiece with a voice she'll listen to to shut up, cut the salad, get back on track, and for Gosh sakes stop cackling. She is in a pickle and a bind and she is not the woman for this job. She's not a people person. She is a kind of Over the Hillary Clinton, schoolmarm prosecutor... We see doom.

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