Saturday, August 24, 2024

Padmasambhava: Astral Realm Yogi

Padmasambhava: The Yogi from the Astral Realm
(Asangoham) In Tibet, Guru Padmasambhava is generally referred to as Guru Rinpoche, which means “precious master.” Guru Rinpoche is a totally enlightened being, a fully awakened one, a buddha, Tibetans believe.

He did not become enlightened gradually or start practicing the teachings of the Buddha Shakyamuni and eventually achieve enlightenment. Guru Rinpoche incarnated as a fully enlightened being.
  • [This is odd as the signal feature of a buddha or any arhat (fully enlightened being) in Buddhism is the end of all rebirths and therefore of all further suffering.]
“Through his form, primordial wisdom manifests in the world to benefit all sentient beings,” explains the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center.

His appearance was said to be predicted by the Buddha Shakyamuni through 19 different [apocryphal Mahayana] sutras and tantras that contain clear information about his arrival and activities.

The Buddha Shakyamuni [who is a supremely enlightened samma-sam-buddha or "perfectly enlightened one" with all of the attributes necessary for establishing the Dharma and a monastic Sangha to keep alive the Teaching in the world for a long time] is said to have even said that Padmasambhava would be more enlightened than himself. [lol]

According to the Padmasambhava Buddhist Center, the Buddha said: “Eight years after my mahaparinirvana [complete freedom, final nirvana, release from samsara], a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.” [That sounds like something a perfectly enlightened being would say, doesn't it? Nothing sketchy about it.]

But who exactly was Padmasambhava, really? Padmasambhava was an Indian tantric master who played a major role in bringing [esoteric] Vajrayana Buddhism from India to Tibet during the eighth century.

Though he has been the subject of many legends and myths, little is known about his life from a historical perspective.

One of the things we know is that he helped establish Tibet’s first Buddhist monastery, located in Samye.

He is also considered the founder of the Nyingma school, the oldest of the four major traditions of Tibetan Buddhism.

In this lineage, and particularly in the Dzogchen teachings (which focus on discovering the ultimate ground of existence), he is considered an important symbol of enlightenment and an object of meditation.

“The word padma is Sanskrit. It was preserved as a Tibetan word and means ‘lotus flower.’ Sambbava means ‘born from.’ Padmasambhava’s usual name in Tibetan is Perna Jungney, translated from the Sanskrit name Padmakara, which means “originated from a lotus.”

When Padmakara was born from a lotus flower and, also, while being led back by King lndrabhuti [his adoptive father], wherever he was set down, a lotus spontaneously sprung up.

The king [would then exclaim], “This child is truly a lotus-born one!” Therefore, he became renowned as Padmakara.... Later, when he became learned in the fields of knowledge and presided as the head of five hundred great panditas [eminent scholars and masters in Tibetan Buddhism], he was known as Padmasambhava, the Lotus-Born. Thus, he is indeed named after his manner of birth.”

This explanation was given by Yeshe Tsogyal, who lived in the 8th century CE and was considered the mother of Tibetan Buddhism. #Padmasambhava #tibetanbuddhism #gururinpoche
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  • Asangoham,  YouTube, 8/19/24; CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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