Sunday, August 18, 2024

Adventures in Church: Mindfulness Center

The ancient uposatha and the Buddha
The big blue supermoon outside, becoming full tomorrow night on Moonday, had us thinking about the Buddhist lunar observance day (uposatha).

It stands to reason and it used to be that the "fasting day" would be held on the Sunday closest to the full moon. (This month was different due to other events like the great benefactor's birthday, Sri Lanka Day, and an odd cultural ceremony).

Dancers from island of Sri Lanka
Rushing off at 8:00 am Sunday morning, with Alan Watts on the Buddhist Radio (KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles), arriving at the temple after a crowd had gathered.

Everyone was dressed like an islander, reminiscent of Indian garb. The boys had their shirts off like Māori warrior-trainees. The monks were sitting silently to the left of the giant Buddha statue.

Lunar observance Day, Aug. 2024
Eight girls and three boys were bowing to their parents then dancing in the style of kathak or tarian/saman to giant bongo drums as many looked on, including a multimillionaire guest donor, Dr. Walter Jayasinghe. This was the strangest all-day meditation retreat ever. When everyone broke for lunch, it became clear that the lunar observance was last week. This was a Sri Lankan cultural event from an academy Dr. J set up nine years ago.

This is the Rains Retreat ("Lent") period, so every Sunday at 5:00 pm there are two Dharma talks, one in English in the Dhamma Classroom and one in Sinhalese in the main hall. Today's topic was the cultivation of loving-kindness as a meditation subject. The discussion included chanting and culminated with delicious Sri Lankan island-cuisine on the patio. It is a giant center the size and feel of a small hospital.

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