Saturday, August 31, 2024

To be the Goddess, Planet Wild's bear cub

We can save the world or at least this planet.
One needn't be a girl or a goddess to be a nurturer, a steward of Planet Earth, the Goddess Gaia (Bhumi, Tierra, Terra, Urth). Planet Wild is doing it by human power. As much as people think Buddhism is atheistic because it does not bow to some "creator God," it is actually nontheistic and polytheistic. There are many gods (devas), Gods (brahmas) and 
Great Brahma, and GOD (the impersonal/transpersonal Brahman) or "godhead" like the Vedic religion of old or modern Hinduism talk about. The celestial bodies are all deified (likely because ET visitors said they were from there or were rulers of those places visible in the night sky).

Countless worlds on 31 planes
In the Jataka (Rebirth) Tales of the Buddha, a kind of collection of Aesop Fables (with a strong moral to each story, which always seems to be the same moral -- what the person did in this life that person did in a previous life/lives), he recounts being reborn as the deity of the Moon (Soma) and Sun (Surya) multiple times, as were others close to him. Did he mean he was the ruler there, the embodiment, or a deity (deva) from there named after that world? It seems that when Dr. Steven Greer, MD of Disclosure Project, Sirius Disclosure, and Gaia TV, says that "Earth" is
literally a female deity, he is onto something. He has some reason for believing it and saying so other than others having said so. If we can be reborn as devas (shining ones, light beings), and we can, we can theoretically be born into the role of Mother Earth, the Goddess Gaia, Bhumi, or Tierra, just as Sakka King of the Devas was reborn as the king of the World of the Thirty-Three and the Realm of the Four Great Sky Kings, the two worlds immediately above the human plane.
If I were Goddess Terra, I'd be Mother Nature.
Saving animals like this cute baby sun bear?
 Yes! Here's one way to bring back our charismatic megafauna: Learn about "Planet Wild." What is PW?

Planet Wild is a nature protection organization, building a global community of people that care deeply about the planet and want to give back to nature and save the animals like the sun bear.

Monthly rewilding missions
Hindu Bhumi Devi (LACMA)
Planet Wild is bringing back endangered species, cleaning up our oceans from plastic debris, and rewilding entire forests to give them back to nature.

On the ground with pioneers
Planet Wild partners with the most impactful environmental initiatives around the globe to create real impact.

100% video documented
Every mission is documented for full transparency of the impact achieved. More:

Can we regain our US goddess?
Titular Goddess of the United States of [Columbia, as in District of Columbia]. Her Uncle Sam?

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