Friday, March 14, 2025

The fate of Ukraine in 30 seconds

We're running out of bombs. Please, NATO, stop!
“Ukraine has turned the world upside down!” – Jeffrey Sachs. The right wingers have become the peaceniks? Yes. The left wingers are calling for war? The CIA is so good at doing what David Icke calls setting up a so-called problem to make the public demand a prefabricated "solution" that with psyops/propaganda that Pres. Dictator Putin must be stopped to save the EU and Ukraine is just the proxy-warfront to do it in, with a phony "hero" in Pres. Puppet Vlad Zelenski, gathering members for NATO while fending off the superpowers Russia and China to build up U.S. power. Trump is smarter than everyone? Or are other forces just stringing him along by his narcissistic ego?

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