Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Mean Girls Day+Nat'l Boyfriend Day (10/3)

Jen Bradford (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
I fell in love with his fashion sense and love of cats. - I pretend to love cats with this tee for her.
Mean Girls launched Lindsay L.
October 3 has some odd observances and holidays associated with it. First of all, it's National Boyfriend Day. Who thought of that, some crafty boyfriend looking for a little loving or a hopelessly in love galpal?

Bet it was the boy because they fall harder and faster even though girls have the reputation as being the lovelorn victims.
Dr. Wendy Walsh on Demand | iHeart.com
Listen to Dr. Wendy Walsh and you, too, would know this. She's on iheart.com (KFI 640 AM Los Angeles) on Sunday nights and is a pretty balanced radio host compared to DJs like Delilah on the radio (or whoever does the dedication show nowadays that promotes the view that men and chivalrous and in love but just can't say it too well and/or women are devoted and not cheating).

What's a "soulmate"? My bestie-partner?

Men hunt. Women wait? That sucks.
They're probably cheating, guys, so man up for the shock. You may never find out, and what's better, to know or not to know? Get a home camera to find out. Ladies, you pick up what I'm putting down. Why?

Because it's Mean Girls Day today, too. We're petty, vindictive, and very competitive with one another while currying favor with the boss. The boss, who's the boss? The men. It's a man's world, not because it has to be -- not because it always was -- but because they've taken over and built a hierarchy called The Patriarchy.

Ask Ken. Or ask the Pope (Catholic), the Russian Patriarch (Eastern Orthodox), the Boogeyman (the "Grand Dragon" or whoever unofficially calls the shots in a Protestant Council of Elders). Someone, for example, decides even for Presbyterians, and "presbyrs" means something like "the people." So if the People's Church has a boss, the majority Christians are not just running wild, except maybe in the USA.

Boyfriend troubles? Female frenemies?
Cupid (Eros, Kamadeva, Mara Devaputra), who encourages "clinging" is evil.
The Dr. Wendy Walsh Show on dating is available online as "Dr. Wendy Walsh on Demand." Listen live Sundays or play the newest episode. Dr. Wendy is America's (self-proclaimed) thought leader on relationships and the authority on love, sex, and romantic relationships.

EPISODES @DrWendyWalsh (10/01) Hour 1: Oct. 1, 2023 • 30 mins Dr. Wendy talks about all the health benefits of love. Why do women still take a man's last name? Is this an outdated tradition? Also, marriage after children and myths about love. It's all on KFIAM-640.

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