Saturday, October 14, 2023

The Ethnobotany of Cannabis (10/13-15)

LA Permaculture; Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Jen B. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Zorthian Ranch commune art colony by night, under tents just being, not harshing the mellow
Is this only a plant of abuse or can it heal?
Instructor: Ty Teissere. Blurring the Edges: We'll explore growing methods from professionals that can be adapted to a home garden. Find edges in a food forest, balcony, or grow tent. Learn hyper-efficient irrigation techniques.
I'm not baked, it's the greywater (Twitter/X)
Play with cutting edge auto-flowering genetics for fast year-round cultivation. We'll sample multi-herb medicines that can be catered to anyone's preventative health needs Teissere found inspiration in herbal medicine through the Mayan Medicine Museum in Chiapas, Mexico. He's been working with medicinal plants and extracts for 14 years and finds joy in sharing easy ways to bring healing plants into daily life. Event

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