Thursday, January 11, 2024

Court: Genocide case against Israel opens

Ali AbunimahThe Electronic IntifadaRights and Accountability, Jan. 11, 2024; Shauna SchwartzSheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ceasefire now! (
The eyes of the world turned to The Hague on Thursday morning as the International Court of Justice began hearing the genocide case against Israel brought by [the courageous government of] South Africa.

The landmark two-day hearing is to decide if the court will impose “provisional measures” – such as ordering a ceasefire – while it considers the full case, something that could take years.

Genocide in DC (
Michael Lynk spoke to The Electronic Intifada’s livestream on Wednesday to provide background and analysis of what to expect from this initial stage of the process.

Watch his interview in the video above. Lynk, a professor of law at Western University in London, Ontario, served as the UN special rapporteur on human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories from 2016-2022.
On Thursday, lawyers for South Africa present their case for three hours. On Friday, Israel’s representatives will have the same amount of time for a rebuttal.

It is also being streamed live on YouTube and you can watch that recording any time: More

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