Saturday, January 13, 2024

I want to learn to meditate in 2024 (BSWA)

Ajahn Brahm (, 2024); Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Fully ordained Theravada Buddhist nuns (BSWA)
The vault is open, and these nuggets of wisdom are available for FREE for anyone wanting to hear the Dharma (Dhamma).

BSWA (Buddhist Society of Western Australia) has a collection of hundreds of teachings dating from 2001 to the present, covering almost every topic in audio, video, and text formats.
A Meditator's Handbook (Ajahn Brahm, Kornfield)
British Ajahn Brahm trained in the Theravada Thai Forest Tradition with famous arhat Ajahn Chah, who led him through the meditative absorptions as well as serenity-and-insight practices (samatha-vipassana), all the way to awakening (bodhi).

Ajahn Brahm then traveled to Australia, where he became abbot of a monastery system that could support women and men if they 
  • wish to fully ordain as nuns (bhikkhunis)
  • or monks (bhikkhus),
  • train as novices (samaneris), or
  • be white-clad lay renunciants (anagarikas),
  • or become Buddhist lay practitioners
receiving authentic instruction from an accomplished teacher who retained his wit and sense of humor and an open heart for social justice and those in need of whatever background or orientation, preserving the historical Buddha's Teachings (Dhamma).

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