Thursday, January 11, 2024

Sex tunnels for the Messiah? Illegal Jews

TJDS: Russell Dobular, Keaton Weiss (Due Dissidence), Max Blumenthal (, Kurt Metzger; The Hill; Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Shauna Schwartz (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Adam had a wife before Eve. Her name was Lilith, and God had a wife named Asherah.

Are you the fable Messiah?
The Messiah (Moshiach), according to Hasidic Orthodox Jews of the Chabad Movement (who have been illegally digging a tunnel to the ritual female bath building) NY, was their leader Rabbi ("The Rebbe") Menachem Mendel Schneerson.
His house in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, continues as their Lubavitch temple (synagogue). But it's too crowded, they claim, so they needed to expand it...underground, in illegal secret tunnels the managers of the organization and buildings did not want them to alter.

Hey, Guys, c'mon, I was already the Messiah.
So they called the police on the students (possibly motivated by secretive and illicit sexual activity to be had in these tunnels or underground bunkers, Israel/Palestine-style. The tunneling Hasidic Jews have a culture all their own, rarely seen outside of Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, Palestine.

Here is that Amish-like culture explained by a Jew (TJDS Guest Host Russell Dobular) from Due Dissidence, sitting in for Jimmy Dore.

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate TURN THE TABLES on Zionist Jewish Washington Post [where Democracy dies because of the darkness] propagandist and mouthpiece for the genocidal Israeli intelligence services Elizabeth "Lizza" Dwoskin.

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